In this engaging teenage romance story, Chrissy is a bright and exceptionally talented girl who is soon to be sixteen years old. She truly enjoys spending quality time with her loving family and close friends. On the outside, she presents herself as lively, cheerful, and fun to be around, but on the inside, she feels deeply unsettled and anxious. This turmoil stems from a lack of confidence, exacerbated by an eating disorder that causes her to doubt her own self-image. Fortunately, the love and support she receives from Bobby, a boy she has known for quite some time, will play a crucial role in helping her confront and overcome her personal challenges.
In this engaging teenage romance story, Chrissy is a bright and exceptionally talented girl who is soon to be sixteen years old. She truly enjoys spending quality time with her loving family and close friends. On the outside, she presents herself as lively, cheerful, and fun to be around, but on the inside, she feels deeply unsettled and anxious. This turmoil stems from a lack of confidence, exacerbated by an eating disorder that causes her to doubt her own self-image. Fortunately, the love and support she receives from Bobby, a boy she has known for quite some time, will play a crucial role in helping her confront and overcome her personal challenges.
In this engaging teenage romance story, Chrissy is a bright and exceptionally talented girl who is soon to be sixteen years old. She truly enjoys spending quality time with her loving family and close friends. On the outside, she presents herself as lively, cheerful, and fun to be around, but on the inside, she feels deeply unsettled and anxious. This turmoil stems from a lack of confidence, exacerbated by an eating disorder that causes her to doubt her own self-image. Fortunately, the love and support she receives from Bobby, a boy she has known for quite some time, will play a crucial role in helping her confront and overcome her personal challenges.